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board game 意味

"board game"の例文


  • ボードゲーム、盤を使ってするゲーム、盤{ばん}ゲーム
  • board     1board n. (1) 板; 台; 掲示板; 厚紙. 【動詞+】 lay a board over a ditch 溝に板を渡す
  • game     1game n. (1) 競技, 試合, ゲーム, 遊戯; 勝負事; 作戦, 手, 計略; 冗談; 《口語》 仕事, 職業. 【動詞+】 Will
  • ancient board game    《the ~》チェス◆【直訳】古来のボードゲーム
  • life (the board game)    Life (the board game) 人生ゲーム じんせいゲーム
  • piece-capturing board game    piece-capturing board game 挟み将棋 はさみしょうぎ
  • rote board game    機械的{きかいてき}なボードゲーム
  • go (board game of capturing territory)    Go (board game of capturing territory) 碁 ご 囲碁 いご
  • gobang (board game related to go-moku)    gobang (board game related to go-moku) 聯珠 れんじゅ
  • gobang (game played on go board involving lining up stones)    gobang (game played on go board involving lining up stones) 五目並べ ごもくならべ
  • a game    a game 一回 いっかい 一番 いちばん 一戦 いっせん
  • game    1game n. (1) 競技, 試合, ゲーム, 遊戯; 勝負事; 作戦, 手, 計略; 冗談; 《口語》 仕事, 職業. 【動詞+】 Will you accept a game? ひと勝負やりませんか attend a game 試合を見に行く The baseball game was called (off) . その野球の試合は中止された
  • game for    《be ~》~する気[意志{いし}?元気{げんき}?勇気{ゆうき}]がある
  • game that t     gáme that [at which] twó can pláy 相手がやるならこちらもやるやり方.
  • game to    《be ~》~する気[意志{いし}?元気{げんき}?勇気{ゆうき}]がある
  • no game    《野球》無効試合{むこう しあい}


  • shiho makie go (a strategic board game for two players ) board
  • oh , this time it's a board game .
    君たちしかいないんだよ。 今度のはね いわゆるボードゲームだ。
  • and finally , all over africa , you see this board game .
  • we have the board game at my house .
  • it is said that he was fond of playing igo (japanese board game of capturing territory ).
  • well , you see selforganizing patterns that spontaneously occur in this board game .
    遊んでみると突然 自己形成的なパターンが現れます
  • kyoto shogi is a kind of board game that is played between two players .
  • he sometimes played go (a japanese board game played with black and white stones ) in the house in front of the gate .
  • the ship prepared even boards and stones for playing the game of go (a board game ) for entertaining japanese passengers .
  • in addition , the oldest surviving illustration of shogi (a japanese board game resembling chess ) appears in the ietada diary .
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3


  • a game played on a specially designed board

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